Triple 7
Triple 7 has been extended! It now is chock full of challenging obstacles including waterfalls, V notches and some off camber challenges. Generally most trails give drivers a little breathing room between obstacles, however Triple 7 keeps the drivers on their toes with not much easy terrain between each obstacle. With the new extensions, we have changed the rating on this trail to an 8.
The trail riders will enter the park entrance and go through the tunnel, once through the tunnel, turn hard left and follow the signs to the Trail Head. To access the Trail Head, drives will head along the highway fence line until they get the first major wash on the right. The first two obstacles are 100 feet into the trail.
This trail tends to fill up fast, so be sure to sign up soon.
Scenery is somewhat limited until you reach the summit of the trail at which point you have a great view of the Lake at Sand Hollow and portions of Zion National Park.
Sand dunes and sandy roads, then slickrock ledges and cracks, then and two-track rocky roads.
Trail Details
There a many obstacles on this 8-rated trail, with little to no room in between for relaxing. There are many bypasses for the harder obstacles. The new extension adds more excitement to the trail and will challenge all who attempt it. The trail starts with "Cam Country" (a series of slickrock ledges and rolling rocks) and then to "The Dipper" (a Crack that can swallow up a vehicle, on the edge of a cliff ). From there, participants will drive up the narrow slick rock fin with cliffs on each side to the "Stairway" which sits at a point 2/3's the way through the trail. From here, we cross over Double Sammy (look both ways before crossing!) and continue up a narrow fin to some more challenging waterfalls with no bypasses. We enter a seldom seen part of the mountain and exit the trail at the end of Joint Effort before heading back down the dune to the State Park.
Trail Notes
Length: 1.3Min Tire Size: 35+ inches
Winch: No
Front Locker: Yes
Rear Locker: Yes